Instructional Leadership Prompts
How can I ensure that our curriculum aligns with state standards while also addressing the diverse needs of our students?
Can you suggest ways to implement formative assessments that provide meaningful feedback to students and teachers?
Data Analysis
How can I use data to inform instructional decisions and improve student achievement across the district?
Given a spreadsheet containing student first names, grades, attendance rates, and participation scores for various subjects, identify patterns in student performance. Highlight any correlations between attendance rates and grades, and provide insights on subjects where students are struggling or excelling. Summarize these findings in a comprehensive report that includes recommendations for targeted interventions.
Help identifying the students who are most in need of summer school to support their reading skill development. Please review the data in each of the following spreadsheets and create a chart that lists each students by highest need based on the following factors combined: Lowest oral reading fluency score, lowest reading comprehension score, and highest teacher recommendation for summer school.
Staff Support and Development
What are some strategies to encourage cross-grade or cross-department collaboration among teachers?
How can I create an effective mentorship program for new teachers that promotes retention and professional growth?
Community and Family Engagement
Equity and Inclusion
Innovation and Technology
Instructional Strategies
What are some evidence-based instructional strategies that can improve student engagement and learning outcomes?